It is our plan to always have TWO trained people at a birth. Your safety is our highest priority. This may be two midwives or a midwife and a trained assistant. The majority of our midwives have taken BEST Emergency skills in addition to the mandatory training by state.
Kristin Green,CPM, LM

Kristin was licensed in January of 2015 after finishing an apprenticeship that she started November of 2011 at Labor of Love in Tyler, TX. She lives in Henderson, TX. She has attended over 500 births and counting!
She stays busy with 8 kids (4 grown) and two grandsons, homeschooling, church and has found audible is a great way to make up the lost days of having time to read. Enjoying raising some chickens and goats. Coffee is essential.
She primarily serves clients in her Henderson office limiting her clientele to repeat clients that will come to the Henderson office for appointments but I will attend those births in your home, irregardless of location, or birth center. She takes new clients that are Henderson residents, or outskirts, that birth at home or the birth center. She loves the walking along side a women, helping her in education and support. She has a passion about education and health. She often studies nutrition, herbology, and ways to improve our overall health. Her favorite part of birth is watching a couple bond over the intimacy of birth and seeing the family to widen the circle of love as they meet their newest member. A close second is educating a mother, and helping her learn health and nutrition that may affect her whole family.

Gabriella Gunter,CPM, LM
Gabriella (Bri) Gunter: Some are born midwives, some achieve midwifery, and some have midwifery thrust upon them. Bri is convinced that she was born to be a midwife and ecstatic to hold the title, CPM, LM. Bri is one of seven children who were all born at home. She also has numerous cousins many of whom were also born at home, and always listened with rapt attention when her aunts discussed their births. Her desire to be a midwife was solidified when Diane Dreier delivered her baby brother 8 years ago.
Bri is a graduate of the Mercy in Action College of Midwifery, a certified professional midwife, and licensed through the state of Texas. She has attended over 120 births.
Bri’s respect and awe of mothers has only continued to grow throughout her time working as a student and midwife. They are amazing and deserve to have respectful and competent care during labor and birth. She believes that good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are the most important factors in preventing complications and ensuring healthy pregnancies. She believes firmly in food (including herbs) as medicine and hopes to continue her education in this field indefinitely.
"The greatest joy is to become a mother; the second greatest is to be a midwife."-Norwegian Proverb
Megan Loewen,CPM, LM
Profile coming soon
"Just as a woman's heart know how to pump, her lungs to fill with air, and her hand to pull back from a fire, so her body knows how to give birth." Virginia Di Oro
Portia Green
Placentas by Portia
Portia occasionally assists at birth. She still processes placentas and gives preference to Seeds of Grace or Embrace birth center clients.
Training to be a midwife for 3 years, Portia is a well-trained birth assistant and occasionally will step in and help at births.
If you are interested in placenta encapsulation or tincture, she is the woman you need to see. Because she understands the benefits of having your pills quickly, if there you no unforeseen events she will have them to you by 2-4 days.

Wanting to get in touch with a midwife from our previous Community Group??
Sarah Friberg CPM, LM
Only sees clients in Pittsburg office for appointments
Births within an hour of Pittsburg and at the birth center
Beautiful Blessings Midwifery | Facebook
Diane Dreier, CPM, LM
Has an office and birth center in Mt Pleasant
Fair Flowers Birth Services | Facebook