Standard Midwifery Fees
We value our appointments not only for educating, caring and walking along side you in your care, but also as a time to build a relationship. We value quality care for each mom/baby and therefore, limit our clientele to a number we can properly and adequately manage and balance with our busy lives. Quality! We could take more clients each month to lower our fees, but quality would suffer. We seek to find a balance in fees and quality! This is our focus word. Please contact us for a free consultation to discuss my midwifery care with you. We would like you to see the difference in care offered to traditional care. We don't surprise you with hidden fees later in your care.
What your care includes:
Appointments: consultation, 9-12 pre-natals: 30-minute allotted time - 3 times the time spent with most doctors. 3 post-partum appointments for mom, 3 post-partum appointments for baby (these are from 60 minute appointments, sometimes longer). Appointments that respect your time and try to keep your waiting room time to a minimum.
Labs: initial labs (state required stds, A1c, Iron levels, Blood typing and antigen testing, titers. I also run many labs for health that you do not get in a doctor's office as standard. Ferritin, Vitamin D, Vitamin B-12, Thyroid, and Folate levels), 28-week labs (glucose testing including organic tapioca dextrose for testing, Iron, and Metabolic panel, antigens for RH neg mothers) 36-week testing (retests many of previous tests and adds GBS testing), PLUS any testing we deem necessary eg: rechecking iron, liver, urine, vitamin D or other testing. There is optional testing available at an additional cost.
Setting up and maintaining charts and records: This is keeping records, labs, notes from conversations during the week, requests for records, releases for work or medical treatment, making appointments and managing payments.
On Call access 24 hours a day for emergency/critical situations, labor support and other situations that need 24 hour care. 5 day access for non-emergent needs. You get us - not an answering service or tele-nurse.
A midwife remaining local for full term mothers. We stay in town for you! You are paying for my on-call time. I clear with you any time that I will be out of town when you are full term. I, Kristin, STRICTLY limit my clientele and usually you will be the only client I take in a month.
Extra appointments or time spent driving to home-births, 2 day visits or office for prodromal labor and labor progress checks as well as heartbeat, ruptured membranes or other situations that may need an evaluation. You are not sent to the ER for non-emergency care. We come 24/7 if the situation requires it.
Birth supplies needed at the homebirth
Tub rental, liners, nets for waterbirths at home or the birth center
Trained assistant or senior apprentice, or both. We always plan to have two trained people at a birth.
Labor monitoring and care, (average time is usually 4-6 hours, though it is not uncommon to spend up to and over 24 hours)
Labor support including positioning, comfort measures, birth balls, tens units, counter pressure, training your birth support team as able without diminishing quality of midwifery trained care. Hiring a doula is highly recommended, especially in your first birth for the ability to have more hands-on comfort care.
Birth - monitoring you and your baby for anything that would be considered a higher risk, including vitals, heart tones, labor patterns, exhaustion, shoulder dystocia, hemorrhage, and placenta management. Administering medications if necessary.
IV including IV antibiotics if needed
Suturing if needed
A minimum of 2 hours immediate post-partum management for mom and baby.
Rhogam shots for RH negative moms if desired
Breastfeeding support within the training of each individual midwife
PKU or newborn screen performed at 2 day and 2 weeks for baby
CCHD (Heart defect) screening at 2 day appointment
Vitamin K oral or injection, if desired
Erythromycin if desired
Access to my lending library
Driving time to your homebirth
Working with insurance biller to file your insurance, if necessary
Collaborating your care with other providers or referrals if it becomes necessary.
Filing birth certificate
Labor support if you transfer to the hospital if desired.
The prepaid $6500 birth fee is a discounted global midwifery fee which is comparable to the area. If we itemize each individual item. It would be between $8000 to over $9000 It must be paid in full by 36 weeks. This fee covers a lot!! And it gives a lot of quality individual care. It is often less than deductibles and copays.
Items that our not covered in our Standard Midwifery Package:
Ultrasounds - paid directly to the sonographer. $250 for a diagnostic ultrasound at 18-20 weeks. Other ultrasounds if there is a concern. Sometimes insurance or medicaid will cover these
Elective labs
Placenta encapsulation/tincture
Birth Center Fee
We have struggled with whether or not to keep the birth center open over the past few years. This birth center licensed in 2016 under Seeds of Grace Midwifery. There may be a name change in the future to separate Kristin from the birth center, since she primarily works in Henderson and not in Longview anymore. But it will still be managed under Seeds of Grace Midwifery. We have no complaints or violations against the birth center. License number 150051.
Please call the birth center to discuss birth center fees.
Can I transfer care to you at the end of care and pay less?
I do not offer a discount for late transfers. Most of the care occurs during the third trimester, while relationship and education for nutrition, overall health and pregnancy occur during the first two trimesters. There is a lot of paperwork catching up to do and late transfers in general are more stressful. However, if you transfer late in care AND end up delivering in a hospital, we will look over the possibility of itemizing care and a partial refund at that time.
How is payment expected?
We would like a $400 payment on initial visit. Referring to monthly expenses listed above, we do request a monthly payment of $500 is made. We try to offer leniency and work with you, so that you may use healthshare accounts, bonuses, tax returns etc. Payment is required in full by 36 weeks.
Do you take insurance?
My policy is no longer to wait on insurance payments. It is rare to get a payment that covers care. However, Maggie at www.napiermidwiferybilling.com is amazing and will walk you through insurance. She will work with you to see if you can get a reimbursement for care. Samaritan's Healthshare and Christian Healthshare Ministries are amazing to work with and if it is covered in your plan I take these plans.
Do you accept Medicaid or Tri-Care?
No we are unable to accept these insurances at this time. Superior Medicaid will pay for ultrasounds though.
We understand insurance can be frustrating. You pay a lot for it. It should cover something as basic as the birth of a baby. We get frustrated for you. We also encourage people to look into Christian Health-share ministries or Samaritan Ministries.
If you have other insurance questions, we can discuss them at your consultation.